08.30.2010 – I haven’t been on Facebook for over three months now. At my request, in May, my account was properly deleted. I’d been on for a few years and watched wave upon wave of real life friends join. They’re still my friends.
¶ Whenever Facebook added new features I felt that there was purposeful obfuscation. I resented the cognitive burden required to understand privacy settings. I didn't post stuff I worried about becoming public. That’s not the point.
The obnoxious odor of mendacity
¶ There was a constant disconnect between the way site evolved, the way the changes were presented, and the defaults that were set. This pattern was repeated over a number of years. I try not to assume motives based on actions, but each new ‘Aw Shucks’ explanation seemed increasingly disingenuous.
¶ Facebook doesn’t feel right to me, for other reasons as well. I’m rooting for a future where Facebook might be only one way to connect to a pool of people that includes everyone that matters to you. Online identity and our connections to friends belong to us.
¶ I don’t want to play in the Facebook sandbox to find my friends, or endorse Facebook by having an account. People say “if you don’t like it, you don’t have to use it” and I agree.
¶ Sure I hope some friends will share this post on Facebook so friends know I’m elsewhere. I don’t really need Facebook to spam my friends, though. I’ve still got email.
Comments are welcome. I have no facebook wall.

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