04.22.2015 — This was the last picture uploaded of Toby (to Twitter) while he was still alive. He passed Sunday night, March 29 at 8:15. He had been diagnosed with serious heart disease in May 2014 after a health crisis but bounced back strong and for longer than the vet dared predict. His death was not long after a coronary event that he was not going to bounce back from. While his illness was serious he was not suffering through most of it. We had napped together happily Sunday afternoon.
¶ Toby was a cat of spectacular warmth, with the superpower of being able to project his personality in almost every picture taken of him. He was more like a person to me than many people.
¶ I think it's pretty wonderful how Toby was able to connect with people remotely, more than my own abilities with a camera can explain.
¶ Three weeks later I'm much less often flashing back to the pain of the last few hours of his life and starting to cherish how blessed I have been to have been loved for ten years by such a miracle.
¶ The remaining cats are all healthy and full of sweetness. KK is doing her best to fill the void on my chest — she likes to bury her head under my chin while Toby could not resist licking my beard. Three cats are more than enough.