11.08.2008 – I’m proud of working with my cousin Adrianna Steele-Card on her first book. Adrianna Art: For the Young at Heart is a feast for the eyes showcasing her unique collage art. You should give a copy to a young person you know this holiday.
¶ It was fun and satisfying making this full colour 32 page book. Working with Adrianna’s art was a blast, and modern print production technology did not let me down, nor did it punish me for abandoning it years ago for interactive media. Books are fun. Paper feels good. We will plant more trees. Let’s all make a book.
¶ Let’s be brutal; in the early days of desktop publishing digital was a lot of promise and hype but the reality was mostly head pounding stress. WYSIWYG? Yeah, right.
¶ Computers made all kinds of things possible, including new kinds of errors like the dreaded font substitution. At the last moment the most expensive piece of equipment in the chain would claim ignorance of your fonts and would arrogantly substitute Courier.
¶ Shudder.
¶ Things are different, today. I will admit to never once printing my book design before sending it to the printer, and when I saw the proofs they were exactly what I expected. I was able to get away with this because I have a large colour-accurate monitor and I maybe got a bitlucky. WYSIWYG? Abso-effing-lutely.